Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baseball Memories

As some of you know, I am a die hard Yankees fan. Many of my friends spend hours trying to talk me out of being a Yankees fan, but I was born a fan and will always be a fan.

Being a Yankees fan is something my Dad and I have always shared. We use to sit in his recliner and watch the games together when I was still in diapers. Dad made sure from the time I was very young that I knew no child of his would be loyal to any other team. :-)

We've spent many a wonderful afternoons sitting in Yankees Stadium (the old one) cheering on our team. Say what you will, but our passion for the team will never die.

So, of course, when I saw this video I couldn't resist posting the link to it. Now they are Phillies fans, which I do hold issue with, but they are from NJ, and they aren't Bo Sox fans, so they can't be all that bad. :-)

Not that I ever would have even thought about throwing the ball back, even at that age, because Dad taught me better, but this little girl is so adorable and just watching her Dad's reaction and then the big hug he gave her, brought back a flood of memories.

Dad, thanks for the memories!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Well, shoot, it took me long enough

Well I finally did it; I gave in to the pressures of the blogosphere and started my own blog.

I was kind of thrown into the world of blogging about a year ago. It was a rainy Saturday morning and I was going with my boss to meet 3 military bloggers. I had no idea what I was getting into and was clueless as to what a “milblog” was, but I went in open minded. The 3 people we met with were some of the kindest and most open hearted people I’ve probably ever met and they were eager for our organization to start a blog. Since then we’ve been welcomed with open arms by the milblog community and I’ve enjoyed every minute of getting to know them.

So I spent the last year pouring over thousands of blogs, picking my favorites and doing posts for my nonprofit organization. Yup, nonprofit! This, if you didn’t know, means I have to keep my opinions to myself, and for those who know me, that isn’t easy to do. So I’ve been spending the last few months toying with the idea of starting my own blog, where I can voice my opinions and just write about whatever I feel like. This being said, for those who may know where I work, this blog in no way represents the ideas or feelings of that organization. This purely my own work!

I figure, if everyone else can do it, why can’t I? I’m a tried and true supporter of our military and often read stories that I want to talk about and can’t. Well not anymore!

Both of my Grandfathers fought in WWII alongside their brothers and my Dad and Brother are firefighters, so I have a soft spot in my heart for those that put their lives on the line to protect me.

No one may actually ever read my blog and that’s ok, at least it is place for me to talk about things like my support for all those in uniform or my crazy family from NJ (4 conservatives from NJ make for some great stories) who I love to death!

So here goes nothing!